Takmer kráľovská svadba

pridal kara 20.5.2017 o 22:01


Pippa Middleton sa vydala.

Májová sobota je taký typický deň na svadbu. Svadba, ktorá sa konala túto sobotu, ale nebola taká úplne typická. Bola totiž takmer kráľovská. Vydávala sa sestra Kate Middleton – Pippa. Kate jej bola za družičku a princ George a princezná Charlotte spolu s ostatnými deťmi v rodine hádzali lupene ruží neveste pod nohy popri tom, ako kráčala k oltáru. 33 ročná Pippa sa vydávala za 41 ročného podnikateľa Jamesa Matthewsa, s ktorým sa zasnúbila minulý rok v lete. Tvorili pár už v roku 2012, potom sa na pár rokov rozišli a na začiatku minulého roka sa ich cesty spojili.

Svadba sa konala v kostole St. Mark’s Church v dedinke Englefield. Na svadbe mali 200 hostí, no jeden človek tam chýbal, a to frajerka princa Harryho – Meghan. Síce sa špekulovalo, že sa tam objaví aj napriek pravidlu, že na svadbu spolu môžu prísť len zasnúbené páry, no na sobáši nakoniec chýbala. Vraj je to preto, že nešlo o kráľovskú svadbu a protokol rodine v takomto prípade zakazuje, aby na seba strhli toľko pozornosti, že zatienia tých, ktorým deň patrí. A tak Harry na svadbu prišiel sám, keďže tieto obavy tu boli. Na hostine už ale nechýbala.

Pippine svadobné šaty navrhol britský návrhár Giles Deacon. Napriek tomu, že sa mi nikdy nejako extra nepáčila, musím povedať, že jej to veľmi pristalo. A určite to nebolo len šatami. Šťastie skrátka pristane každému a Pippa len tak žiarila.




Pippa Middleton arrives with her father Michael Middleton for her wedding to James Matthews at St Mark's Church in Englefield,  England Saturday,  May 20,  2017. Middleton,  the sister of Kate,  Duchess of Cambridge is to marry hedge fund manager James Matthews in a ceremony Saturday where her niece and nephew Prince George and Princess Charlotte are in the wedding party,  along with sister Kate and princes Harry and William. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth,  Pool)






Kate,  Duchess of Cambridge,  right,  arranges the train of her sister of her sister Pippa Middleton as she arrives with her father Michael Middleton for her wedding to James Matthews at St Mark's Church in Englefield,  England Saturday,  May 20,  2017. Middleton,  the sister of Kate,  Duchess of Cambridge is to marry hedge fund manager James Matthews in a ceremony Saturday where her niece and nephew Prince George and Princess Charlotte are in the wedding party,  along with sister Kate and princes Harry and William. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth,  Pool)





Pippa Middleton and James Matthews smile for the cameras after their wedding at St Mark's Church in Englefield,  England Saturday,  May 20,  2017. Middleton,  the sister of Kate,  Duchess of Cambridge married hedge fund manager James Matthews in a ceremony Saturday where her niece and nephew Prince George and Princess Charlotte was in the wedding party,  along with sister Kate and princes Harry and William. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth,  Pool)

Kate,  Duchess of Cambridge,  right,  stands with her son Prince George as she looks across at Pippa Middleton and James Matthews after their wedding at St Mark's Church in Englefield,  England Saturday,  May 20,  2017. Middleton,  the sister of Kate,  Duchess of Cambridge married hedge fund manager James Matthews in a ceremony Saturday where her niece and nephew Prince George and Princess Charlotte was in the wedding party,  along with sister Kate and princes Harry and William. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth,  Pool)











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